
Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club News Letters

This section contains the latest news from the president of the Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club and this year’s current and past year’s newsletters. Please make sure to review the latest news on a monthly basis. If you wish to go directly to the monthly newsletters, please go to here

New & Renewal of your membership will continue your electronic Monthly Newsletter and the EBlasts of all the latest news of the Club along with the benefits of our fabulous ski trips.  Membership May 1st- April 30th. Don’t miss anything, join anytime throughout the year!

 Sign up now by downloading the Sly Fox Membership Form 2024-2025.

Another GREAT BENEFIT of joining SLY FOX CLUB, our friends at Gelandesprung Ski Club, Green Bay offer additional Ski Trips & Social events that you can take advantage of at no additional cost.

Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club President

The first trip of the ski season was a great success. The trip to Zermatt / Nice was full of adventure and good times. Thanks to all who attended and to Sam & Deb for organizing a great trip. The next trip is to Powderhorn on February 14-16. This should be a great Midwestern Trip. Deb is the trip leader and she has lots of good stuff planned for all. The final trip is to Copper Mountain, CO on Sunday, March 30 thru Friday, April 4. We will be staying at the Cambria Hotel which is within walking distance to the ski lifts. We will have 4 days of skiing and it’s a great way to end the season.

We need to start thinking about officers for the 25/26 ski season. We are still looking for a treasurer to take Julies place. This position carries a $300 stipend which can be used on any trip or event. If we want to keep this great club going we need people to step up and get involved in planning future events. Seriously think about volunteering for a position. Nominations for officers will begin at the February 5th meeting

Look for information in the March newsletter for the Sly Fox Spring Banquet that will be held on May 2.

The 25/26 season is coming up. I know that most aren’t thinking that far ahead but we have to start  planning early for next season and beyond. We value your input. We would like to know where you would like to go, whether it’s a Midwest trip or a Western trip. If you come to the meetings, there is a suggestion box on the table where you enter the meeting room. At the end of the meeting I will ask for suggestions. Please feel free to speak up and let us know. You can bring up anything pertaining to the ski club or any ideas for events. We like new or old ideas. If you don’t come to the meetings and still have something to share, you can e-mail me at: [email protected]


Greg Buss


Year 2025
Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
Year 2021
Year 2020

Year 2019

Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
Year 2013