$240 Complete Trip! (per person, two people per room)
Trip & price adjustment 1/13/21
Sly Fox Ski Club, with safety concerns in mind, we have altered this trip as carpooling or drive on your own trip (no bus). We may be able to assist those that wish to carpool. News from Michigan covid protocols, bars & restaurants are now indoor dining & beverages. Bands are already booked at Dudleys in the Indianhead Lodge. There are specific protocols that they will follow.
Trip includes!
Two night lodging at Indianhead Resort Lodge
Indianhead Lodge, Check-in 4pm (no earlier), Check-out 11:00am (no later)
Two day lift pass at Indianhead & Blackjack Mts.
Free shuttle available between Indianhead & Blackjack Mts.
Two hot breakfasts in the Indianhead Lodge
Great dinner Saturday night in the Indianhead Lodge
NEW THIS YEAR! Sly Fox organized Scavenger Hunt Saturday at Indianhead Mountain. It will be a beautiful weekend weather with a lot of fun. Those that are on our trip are eligible to join in the fun. Full details will be provided. Grab your phone & take photos of simple tasks that are on the list to be entered into the drawing for prizes. BIG SNOW II trip info Scavenger Hunt Instructions
Questions? Contact, Deb Bramschreiber, Big Snow trip leader, [email protected]
1/26/21 Trip Updated. Indianhead Lodge has offered a special rate for an additional Sunday night lodging. This is not part of the trip price but an option for those that would like to drive home Monday morning. The price is $60 taxes included (per room). The reservation & payment is due prior to departure. Please request reservation & payment to: Sly Fox Ski Club, PO Box 1613, Appleton, WI. 54912-1613. Questions? Contact Deb Bramschreiber, [email protected].
BigSnowIIDetailsUpdate1_13_21 See additional information above that is not posted on details form
We have scheduled this trip for many years and they treat us very well. At this time, social distancing, masks or face coverings are required indoors & lift lines to follow Michigan’s protocols.
You will receive prompt notification when and if any changes occur. Prior to departure for the trip, complete details will be up to date.