SKI THE WORLD with the SLY FOX SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB, Appleton Wisconsin, Welcome!
Founded in 1967
We offer sports-oriented adults, ages 21 and over, the opportunity to participate in recreational activities in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere year round. Our ski trips incorporate the Midwest, Western and International Ski slopes and cities. Enjoy group discount trips, rental equipment and more. Our excursions are well organized by our accomplished trip leaders.
Club members include single and married couples, and are from all walks of life. Whether it is your first trip or one of many, the Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club welcomes all levels of skiers and snowboarders. Ski the World with Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club, join today and take advantage of our great ski trips and fun social events throughout the year!
The Club Meetings will be scheduled for October 2, 2024 at 7pm. The future Membership meeting location to be determined. Membership Meetings are 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, Oct. thru March, 7pm social, 7:30pm meeting. See Calendar of events for specific dates.
Please remember that you must be a member of Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club or Gelandesprung Ski Club to sign up for trips. Not a member of Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club? Then Sign Up Today or at the meeting, membership accepted from May 1st & anytime throughout the year.
See the Calendar of Events for more information on upcoming events for the Sly Fox Ski & Snowboard Club.
Membership Meeting will be held on March 20th, 2024 at The Bar on Lynndale, was the final nomination & vote for the 2024-25 Sly Fox Club’s Officers.
Please see our Sly Fox Ski Club Facebook site for more information:
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